A downloadable game for Windows

Welcome to Redscott Pines

'Beneath the Woods' is a stylized, narrative-focused mystery / thriller / puzzle game set in the fictional small town of Redscott Pines, Oregan. The story follows Davis, who returns to his hometown to search for his missing sister (Mina). He hasn't been back since he ran away 2 years earlier. With help from the people closest to Mina, he follows the trail to a church in the woods, and uncovers the secrets lurking beneath...

This is the demo / first level of Beneath The Woods (approx. 20 minutes playtime), and was made between February-September 2022. Sign up on our website -  https://www.beneaththewoodsgame.com - to be notified when the full game is released. Thanks!

UPDATE: The game can now be played with mouse and keyboard OR with a connected PlayStation 4 controller.

UPDATE 2: New mouse and keyboard controls.


  • W / A / S / D : move up / left / down / right
  • Left Click : interact
  • Right Click : use item
  • Q / E : cycle through inventory
  • Esc : pause
  • Left Shift: jog / run


  • Left Joystick / Joypad : move
  • Right Joystick : rotate character
  • X : interact
  • Square : use item
  • L2 / R2 : cycle through inventory
  • Options : pause
  • L1 / L3 : jog / run
StatusIn development
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
Tags3D, Atmospheric, Horror, Indie, Monsters, Mystery, Story Rich, Thriller, Unity


BtW_Demo_v1-04-2_newControls 615 MB
BtW_Demo_v1-04-1_oldControls 612 MB

Install instructions

Download the zipped file 'BtW_Demo_v1-04' and extract the files.

Run 'BeneathTheWoods.exe'


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Barking down the wrong tree...

Well done! Eagerly waiting for the full release!

Thank you, glad you liked it!! And that thumbnail XD

really good:)

Thank you! :)

Loved the story and the unique art of this game! Great work!

Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it!


The puzzle-solving in this game was fantastic, and the art style is crazy amazing!!! 10/10!!!

Thank you, glad you liked it!

I really liked it, the voice acting, visuals and the story sounds great! The only issue I personally had was that the mouse felt awkward to control, I assume it would be better with the controller but with mouse it was a bit annoying imo, aside that I enjoyed it a lot, looking forward to the full game, good work :)


Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it! :) And yeah I originally designed it with controllers in mind, but will definitely be reworking that in the future - thanks for the feedback!


This was soooo good! love the style love the characters and cant wait for the full game!!

Thank you! Really enjoyed your playthrough and glad you liked it!


Oh boy what an experience! AMAZING GAME! 

+ The art-style is very lovely and detailed, a lot of work has been put into this

+ Very innovative start with the TV and making choices

+ fresh idea concept of a Horror Puzzle game with important choices is very good

+ the minigames were well thought out and quite enjoyable and rewarding

+ music was well fitting, exciting at the right times and overall suspenseful

+ dialogue between the characters seem real and not forced

+ Davis is a pretty tough cool guy man what an awesome character

+ im very excited how the story plays out after ... was teasered!!

- The camera and character movement seems very rigid and hard, I would recommend a third person view, the map is already layed out and it would be easier to control

- The voice acting seems a bit off, in certain moments where the character shouzld be surprised or sad, the voice over was a bit dull and emotionless 

+++ overall amazing experience which I will continue keeping an eye on

I made a playthrough of this game: 

Hey, thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it so far and really appreciate all the feedback :)




Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago